Cleveland Comhra: Leap Castle
“Suddenly, two hands were laid on my shoulders. I turned around sharply and saw, as clearly as I see you now, a grey “thing” standing a couple of feet from me, with its arms raised as if it were cursing me. I cannot describe in words how utterly awful the “thing” was, its very undefinable ness rendering the horrible shadow more gruesome. Human in shape, a little shorter than I am, I could just make out the shape of big black holes like great eyes and sharp features, but the whole figure-head, face, hands and all—was grey—unclean, bluish-grey, something of the colour and appearance of common cotton wool. But, oh! So sinister, repulsive, and devilish. My friends who are clever about occult things say it is what they call an “Elemental.”
This is the account that Mildred Darby gave to a publication called The Occult Review in the late 1800s.
It described her first encounter with the “Elemental,” just one of the inhabitants of Leap Castle, located in County Offaly, just north of Roscrea. It has the infamous reputation of being the world’s most haunted castle.
Leim Ui Bhanain
Leap Castle—Leap of the O’Bannons—is the English translation of what has been shortened to Leap Castle. The castle was named so because of a struggle that occurred on the site prior to the construction of the building in the early 1500s. The O’Bannons were secondary chieftains under the reign of the O’Carrolls, a bloodthirsty clan who controlled much of the area. Two of the O’Bannon brothers were feuding over the leadership of their clan. A test of strength and courage was devised to settle the argument. They were both to jump from a rocky outcrop on the site of their future stronghold. The survivor, if there was one, would rule the clan. One brother emerged victorious and became chieftain.
The O’Bannons and Leim Ui Bhanain became important military sites for the O’Carrolls. It guarded the pass leading through the Slieve Bloom Mountains. The O’Carrolls, with the support of the O’Bannons, had conquered many of the surrounding kingdoms, who were then required to pay tribute to them, making them stronger. Both clans were ruthless and murderous, sometimes even within their own ranks, to achieve what they desired. The two clans held the castle for about a century and a half, until being defeated in 1642.
Cromwell and John Darby
John Darby was an Englishman, a soldier under Cromwell. A siege led by Darby ousted the O’Bannons from Leap Castle, and the Darby family maintained possession of it for the next 280 years. Many improvements were made, and restoration work was performed during that time by the English family.
The Irish Civil War
In 1922, English ownership made Leap Castle a ripe target for an uprising. In a statement made by the caretaker, Richard Dawkins, he stated that at around two in the morning, there was a knock on the main door. When he looked out an open window, he saw men outside, who said they needed lodging for the night. The caretaker opened the door and was immediately held at gunpoint. The men were all heavily armed, many wearing trench coats with bandoliers worn across their chests. Each carried tins of petrol. They gave Dawkins twenty minutes to get his wife and child out of the building, as they broke furniture and doused the rooms with the accelerant.
Dawkins could only watch as the flames burned furiously, and the men fled. After the fire ended, Dawkins returned and found that the main part of the building was still intact. He managed to salvage some of the furniture and other valuables. Dawkins moved his family into the gate lodge, and the following morning found that the southern portion of the castle that had not been damaged was now engulfed in flames; the men had returned to finish the job. Many people had come to watch the new blaze, and Dawkins pleaded for help. He was answered with laughter and jeers from the locals.
The castle was built upon and destroyed by violence. The druids held ceremonies and rituals on the site prior to the castle’s construction, and Mildred Darby supposedly practiced the “Dark Arts” during her time as a resident. Perhaps, these things are part of the reason there are so many stories of the supernatural that embellish the history of Leim Ui Bhanain. Most of the stories we have occurred prior to 1922. The building sat empty until it was purchased by Peter Bartlett, who started some of the renovations on the castle. Today, the current owners, the Ryans, are continuing the work.
Ghosts Walk By
Some visitors have felt that they were being touched or brushed against as if someone were walking by or lightly trying to detain them. Others have seen an old man sitting quietly by the fire in the main hall. A very proud-looking woman in a Victorian-era dress has been observed walking across the main hall. Mildred Darby reported that the little old man is dressed in a green cut-away coat and would often be seen with an old woman in a black dress, believed to be a former governess. She said on occasion they are accompanied by a priest. She claimed that the old man attempts to stop people as they pass.
The Priest’s House
A portion of the castle known as The Priest’s House is still an empty shell (renovations have not been started on this part of the castle yet). Some who had slept in one of the rooms in the Priest’s House have felt the weight of a body next to them as they slept, and have even reported snoring. There is a big man, possibly a servant, who can be observed pushing a barrel up the steps near the servant’s quarters. Upon reaching the top, the barrel tumbles down the stairs and disappears. Even today, a monk is sometimes seen walking in and out of the ruins of The Priest’s House. Chanting also has been reported but stops as soon as any mention of it is made.
The Murdered Lover
A younger woman, scantily dressed, was often seen running and screaming twice before vanishing. The story goes that two of the O’Carroll brothers were fighting over a lover. One of them chased the girl along the gallery and stabbed her when he could not have her for his own.”
The Reality
The Reality There are many more stories associated with Leap Castle, as there are many old structures. This time of year especially, they can be fun to read and hear about, but horror or supernatural fiction is just that. A way for us to take a break from the real horror and atrocities that are part of daily life.