Terry from Derry: Inclined to Fake

It’s hard to believe that I’ve lived in the United States for twenty years, and still, I’ve managed to not go absolutely bonkers. While there is much that I love about being here, some things continue to whittle away

Terry from Derry: Strange Weather Indeed

different stripes each featuring different weather

Terry Boyle discusses the unexpected extreme weather events occurring globally and emphasizes the need for action on climate change. He recounts his personal experience with unusual weather patterns, such as a hurricane in a desert area. Terry highlights the importance of addressing climate change, urging people to pressure politicians to take action and vote for candidates who prioritize environmental issues.

Terry from Derry: My First Consumption

By Terry Boyle At 7 years old what do you know about life? I would argue nothing of real importance, but, in Catholic terms, you’ve completed your 7-year journey and […]

Terry from Derry: The Myth of Identity

By Terry Boyle ‘Are you Irish?’ I am asked this question all the time. It should not surprise me.  My accent is a dead giveaway.  I suppose that matters could be […]

Terry from Derry: I Think Therefore AI

By Terry Boyle When the news finally gets away from the rantings of a former president acting like a two-year-old proclaiming his innocence when we all know he’s guilty, we […]