Off the Shelf: Kala

Kala cover

As the story begins, the six, three boys and three girls, are perched on their bikes preparing to hurtle down a steep hill and through a narrow gap at the bottom where the path meets the main road. The idea

The Fitness Doctor: Excessive Protein Intake Linked to Atherosclerosis

Consuming over 22% of dietary calories from protein can lead to increased activation of immune cells that play a role in atherosclerotic plaque formation and drive disease risk, a new study showed. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine researchers discovered a molecular mechanism by which excessive dietary protein could increase

Cleveland Comhrá: Our Little Blue Dot

Earth Day 24

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” This quote by British Polar explorer and advocate for the protection of Antartica and renewable energy, Robert Swan, strikes to the core to