A Letter from the Campaign
a Chara,
Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and supporters. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Ireland, but I think we should.
In a world of FOMO and the latest must-have technology, it is a good thing to cherish and reflect on the things of real value: family and friends.
This was brought home when I heard of the death of Pat Donaghy. I met him once, but know his family and friends. He was highly respected by people whose opinions I respect.
A Tyrone exile from a large family who came to the USA, he built a highly successful business but never lost the sense of himself or forgot where he was from. He remained an Irish patriot and was a long-term supporter of Friends of Sinn Fein and the cause of peace and Irish Unity.
I would like to offer my condolences to Mary, his wife, and his children Patrick, Jim, Brian, Ray, Maureen, and Eileen and extend family. We are thankful for his work in support of Friends of Sinn Féin. Pat was one of those who laid the foundations for a new and united Ireland.
I am sure Pat would be closely following the general election in South as Sinn Féin goes head to head with the establishment parties of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. Earlier this week we hosted meetings of Sinn Féin supporters from Hawaii across North America, Britain, Europe, Asia, and Australia. It was like being in a room full of Pat Donaghy’s.
These were recent emigrants to second-, third-, and fourth-generation Irish descendants and supporters. All shared a love of Ireland and a hunger to play a part in building a united Ireland. All on the call were inspired and thankful for the continued support of our diaspora.
The final thing I am thankful for is that voting will have started by the time you read this. It has been a short but intense campaign. Working with a team of committed artists and candidates in pursuit of the opportunity to have a Sinn Féin Government is its own reward. I don’t do predictions. The count starts on Saturday and all fingers are crossed.
We will keep you updated as results emerge.
I hope we all have a great weekend, I’ve a few more doors to knock.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ciarán Quinn is the Sinn Féin Representative to North America
Video Update:
Sinn Féin Representative to North America Ciarán Quinn and Friends of Sinn Féin US Director Greg O’Loughlin
Watch it now and share with anyone who wants to learn more!