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Ireland's Future

Ireland’s Future: New Dates for Irish Unity People’s Assembly: Diaspora in New York & DC

Join us in New York and Washington, DC in January 2025 for the next meetings of the Irish Unity People’s Assembly: Diaspora.

Ireland’s Future: “I believe Irish Unity is inevitable.” An interview with Pat Cullen, MP

“I believe Irish Unity is inevitable.” An interview with Pat Cullen, MP

Ireland’s Future: Irish General Election Called

Just as the US has ended its election campaign an Irish General Election has been called. The Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael, Simon Harris confirmed that the election will be held on Friday, November 29th.

Donnybrook: Higgins Hollers

Ms. O’Leary was a critical ingredient in efforts to keep President and Mrs. Clinton’s energies directed towards the hope for peace and reconciliation in Ireland. Irish Tainiste shated: “The Presidential Distinguished Service Award acknowledges the connection between the work of the recipients and our values as a nation, strengthening the ties between Ireland and the Diaspora.” Minister of State for International Development and Diaspora, Sean Fleming TD added: “We are immensely proud of our global Irish family.”

A Legal Look: Thirty-Five Years Later

Judge Mentel writes on the Irish, political issues, and Ireland's Future
