Our 2025 Parade Fundraiser will take place on February 13, 2025, 6:00PM
Join us as we kick off the parade fundraising season with our annual Pittsburgh St. Patrick’s Day Parade Fundraiser on February 13th, at 6:00 p.m. at @MullaneysHarp and Fiddle! Raffle baskets, live music, and 50/50 is just a bit of the fun that awaits you. Parade Buttons and tee shirts will be available for sale; 50/50 raffle, raffle baskets, and live music will also be provided by Jim Lamb and Johnny Gallagher. Grab some friends, grab a few pints, grab a seat, and kick off parade season with your friends at Mullaney’s Harp and Fiddle!

Pittsburgh St. Patrick’s Day Parade Button Party
March 7, 2025
The Priory Hotel
614 Presley Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212
(412) 231-3338
5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Inclusive of: Sponsorship Button, Hors d’oeuvres, Beer, Wine, Pop

Purchase Buttons:
$35- each from a committee member or $40 – each at door
or $35 – each if purchased no later than March 1 at the online store: https://pittsburghstpatricksdayparade.com/shop
Contact: Tim Finnerty 412-519-2971 / timfinn2015@gmail.com