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HomeIrish AbroadDiasporaIrish Unity ~ Ireland 2030 - Call for Action by Congress and...

Irish Unity ~ Ireland 2030 – Call for Action by Congress and Secretary of State Blinken on Legacy and Irish Unity

May 11, 2024, San Francisco, NYC, Philadelphia, Wash., D. C., Boston, Chicago & Cleveland

ABC Chairman John Corcoran Esq. (PA)

appealed to 50 key Members of Congress and to all members of the Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus led by Chairman Richard E. Neal (MA) to show Britain that America means business in demanding compliance with the principles and obligations of the Good Friday Agreement (GFA).  Observed Corcoran: “How many times must the U. S. endure Britain’s arrogant ignoring of the provisions of the international treaty and their adoption of a statute burying their collusion in the killing of more than 1000 innocent British Subjects/Irish citizens? 

Member Jack O’Brien (MD) noted:

“Our Department of State recently summoned Britain’s Foreign Minister David Cameron to join in providing cover for Israel’s violation of international law and human rights abuses!  This while the U. S. remains silent on lawlessness and human rights abuses the British have been cited for in Northern Ireland.”

Attorney Steve McCabe (NY)

cited tools the U. S. now possesses to sanction the British who continue to demonstrate they cannot be trusted to keep their word on Northern Ireland.  “Britain must be held accountable for abandoning the rule of law and for their record of destabilization in Ireland.  Imposing the personal sanctions of the Magnitsky Law (EO-13818) and applying the foreign aid restrictions of the Leahy Law are clearly justified.”   

LAOH activist Kathy Savage (MA)

 offered this observation of Prof Katy Hayward. Queens University, Belfast: “The failure to uphold impartiality obligations has destabilized …N. I. …the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper runs roughshod over principles that have formed the bedrock for the peace process for 30 years.”  Continued Ms. Savage: “The British should remember former Speaker Pelosi’s admonition “that ignoring the provisions of the GFA will only delay any new UK-US trade deal.”

Concluded Chairman Corcoran:

“In addition to using Magnitsky and Leahy provisions to punish British actions, the U. S. should delay the UK’s effort to procure and produce military equipment pursuant to the UKUSA treaty.    Michael Abramowitz, former President of FREEDOM HOUSE   has   stated” …  the real plus of a democracy is its accountability.” Time to start making the British accountable for the truth in N. I.

John O'Brien, Jr.
John O'Brien, Jr.https://www.iirish.us
*John is a Founder and the Publisher and Editor of iIrish; a Founder and Deputy Director of Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival for more than 35 years; an archivist, spokesman, emcee, Spoken Word presenter and author of five books, so far.


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