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Kid's Craic

Kid’s Craic: In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind

Irish America is for Kids too! Holidays, kid's food recipes, Books reeks, a wee bit o' the Irish, and Jokes too.

Kids craic: who’s your daddy (part 3)

When I started writing about the Founding Fathers, I never thought it was going to take three parts! I do not know why I...

Kids craic: Who’s Your Daddy? (Part 2)

Kid’s Craic: Benjamin Franklin – A Multifaceted Founding Father and Key Architect of American Independence In my July column, I began writing about America’s Founding...

Kid’s craic: Who’s Your Daddy? (Part 1)

Who’s Your Daddy? (part 1) July is the month we celebrate Independence Day in the United States. It took a great deal of blood, sweat,...

Kid’s Craic: You’re a Grand Old Flag

The History and Symbolism of National Flags: A Tale of Unity and Traditio Every country has a flag that stands for its nation’s land, people,...
