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Irish Lit

Blowin’ In: The Bullfrog

The Bullfrog Last weekend, I woke before dawn. Mothers have this uncanny ability to sleep yet remain alert for night sounds. When my children were...

The Alternatives: A Family’s Journey Through Loss and Reunion

The Alternative The Flattery sisters, four brilliant and very different girls, raised in a small town south of Dublin, were plunged prematurely into adulthood when...

Wild Houses by Colin Barrett: A Review

Wild Houses By Colin BarrettGrove Press ISBN 978-0-8021-6094-2 255 pp. 2024 Long recognized as a proven short story writer (Homesickness), Colin Barrett’s Wild Houses is set...

Irish Lit: The English Jesuit in Dublin

The next time I am in Dublin, I will go to Glasnevin Cemetery, to the Jesuit plot, and leave a small oval-shaped blue-hued stone at the foot of the cross where Gerard Manley Hopkins’ name is engraved. The great nineteenth-century poet is
