Madigan Muses: Spring, New Beginnings
By Marilyn Madigan
Spring is one of my favorite times of the year, when everything comes back to life. I am hoping that this spring will be a favorite time for us all. Many of us will be vaccinated and the end of this pandemic will soon be over. In April, we will gather with our loved ones to celebrate Easter. As a Resurrection people, we will remember those we lost, and know that one day we will be reunited with them. We will take the lessons learned during this time to enhance our lives. Our priorities will center on those who are important in our lives; family and friends.
During April, the Irish community usually recognize those units winning awards in our Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. There will be no parade or Awards Banquet this year, but we still should remember how we honored our Irish Heritage Month, last month.
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee of the United Irish Societies of Cleveland worked diligently to make sure the day would be remembered by sharing photos and videos of past parades. Executive Director Linda Carney should be commended for her dedicated leadership during this challenging time, with two parades being cancelled during her term.
The parade in 2022 will be a wonderful celebration for the Irish community; we all look forward to participating. In the past, the Irish in America concentrated on their local celebrations for St. Patrick’s Day. A new beginning during this time is that the Irish Diaspora all over the world shared their plans for celebrating our Irish Heritage. Irish Heritage Month has been a busy time for many of us, with events hosted by the Irish Embassy, national organizations such as the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, and many local Irish clubs/museums.
Let Us Celebrate, Together
The highlight of March is the Feast Day of St. Patrick. This year all were able to virtually attend Masses celebrated both nationally by the Hibernians and in our local communities. I personally hope these types of events will continue in the future. We are not in competition with each other; one is not damaged by another’s success; it is not pie. When one does well, we all do well. Let us celebrate, together.