Cooking Up a Hooley in the Kitchen: What Are They Eating in Ireland?

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Katie's Byline

By Katie Gagne

I thought it would be fun and interesting to take a close look at the specific cuisine that areas of Ireland are known for. Most of us are familiar with many of the traditional dishes popular all over Ireland. Yet, each areas of the country boasts some foods unique to them.

Being an island, seafood is abundant all over the country. Being on the Atlantic Ocean, Mayo and its surrounding locales often cook and serve Breac Geal or Brown Trout. Similar to other varieties of trout, this one, common in the Atlantic waters, is a favorite of those in that region.

While Brown Trout is not easy to find here in Ohio, the preparation and how this is cooked and enjoyed can be used for all kinds of fresh fish available locally.

Brown Trout

Makes 4 servings



  • 4 eight-ounce fish fillets (you can choose any type of white fish – cod, halibut, trout,
  • ½ cup All Purpose Flour
  • Lemon Wedges
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 4 tablespoons Butter
  • Kosher Salt and Black Pepper to taste


Makes 4 servings



  • 4 eight-ounce fish fillets (you can choose any type of white fish – cod, halibut, trout,
  • ½ cup All Purpose Flour
  • Lemon Wedges
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 4 tablespoons Butter
  • Kosher Salt and Black Pepper to taste

This quick and easy method for pan frying fish is perfect for the Lenten season and any time of year. If you have not tired cooking fish this simple way, you must. My dad absolutely loved cooking fish like this in a cast iron skillet and truthfully, there is nothing better.

  • Pat dry the fish fillets.
  • Place the flour in a shallow bowl and season with salt and pepper
  • Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat.
  • Dredge each piece of fish in flour and place in the hot skillet.
  • Cook on each side for approximately 4-5 minutes each or until done.
  • Add the butter halfway through cooking and baste the fish as it cooks.
  • Remove from the skillet, sprinkle with more salt and pepper, and serve with lemon wedges.
  • Serve with your favorite side dish or salad.

    A trick to removing skin from the one side of the fish before serving is to put the skin side down and cook that first. When you flip the piece over, you can gently scrape off the skin while it is still hot.

See More of Katie’s Cooking Up a Hooley in the Kitchen recipes HERE

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6 years writing for iIrish

Katie Gagne

*Katie is an English teacher at Trinity High School by day and in her “spare” time runs her own at-home baking business, Sassy’s Sweets and Oh So Much More, specializing in gourmet cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and pastries. She can be reached at [email protected] or (440) 773-4459

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