Cleveland Hibernians Eastside Bluestone
and Deifiúr Divisions
News & Events
See all of Francis’s Cleveland Irish and Bluestone Charities posts HERE
Fitness Dr.: Should Men and Women Eat Different Breakfasts to Lose Weight?
Dr. Frederick Peters offers tips and strategies to optimize your health. The Fitness Dr. is a modern, best practices office, located in Independence Ohio.
Irish Lit: The Fascination of What’s Difficult
Throughout history, Literature has been a beacon for the Irish; today, it is more accomplished and available than ever. Let’s talk about the Craic
Wise Craics: Irish Jokes, Humor, Stories
Need a Laugh? Or many times that? Check out the Wise Craics words for this month
Francis McGarry
*Francis McGarry holds undergraduate degrees from Indiana University in Anthropology, Education and History and a Masters in Social Science from the University of Chicago. He is the founder of Bluestone Hibernian Charities and is a past president of the Irish American Club East Side; the founder and past president of the Bluestone Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians; a Trustee for the Irish American Archives Society; a member of the Irish Heritage Advisory Committee for the Irishtown Bend Project; and a member of the Planning Committee for the St. Malachi Run.