Irish Government Invests in Gaelic

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Government announces progress on the Irish language today

However, there is still a need for further funding of the Irish language and Gaeltacht Investment Plan in the near future

Conradh na Gaeilge welcomed the increased funding of one million for Foras na Gaeilge announced today by the Minister of State for the Gaeltacht Seán Kyne this morning.

Referring to the increased investment, Cóilín Ó Cearbhaill, President of  Conradh na Gaeilge said: “This decision is important as it shows us that the Government has started a process to halt and reverse the huge cuts inflicted on Foras na Gaeilge funding over recent years. This investment is essential for the Irish language and will help to strengthen the language in our community”.

General Secretary of Conradh na Gaeilge, Julian de Spáinn, said: “It is vital that the increased funding is invested in elements of the community investment plan, agreed by over 80 Irish language and Gaeltacht groups all across the country, and to reverse some of the many cuts made in recent years. The work of these groups demonstrates the benefits achievable by increased investment in Irish, investment which will strengthen the heart of the community. It is as a result of the campaign run by these same groups over the last year, that this funding has been allocated. Now these groups should see the benefits of this increased funding in their own communities.”

Conradh na Gaeilge will continue to make the case to the Minister of State, a Taoiseach, and the government as a whole, to guarantee that the investment in Foras na Gaeilge, as well as the funding for Údarás na Gaeltachta, is increased in the coming years to ensure that the investment plan agreed by over 80 Irish language and Gaeltacht groups is implemented in full. This investment plan will create over 1,000 jobs and provide a huge amount of opportunities to use the language in the community.

Conradh na Gaeilge will be speaking with Foras na Gaeilge immediately to ensure the best use of this additional funding and to ensure that the funding is spent on the agreed investment plan and reversing cuts.


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