3 To the raven her own chick is _____
5 Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the _________.
8 As the big hound is, so will the ___ be.
11 A scholar’s ink lasts longer than a martyr’s _____.
16 Better be quarreling than ________.
17 A ship often sank beside the _______.
18 Distant hills look _____.
20 Face the sun, but turn your back to the _____
22 Every tide has an ebb save the tide of _____.
24 ____ is like a cup of tea, its all in how you make it
25 A silent _____ is melodious.
28 Everyone is ____ till he speaks.
30 Be neither intimate nor distant with the ______.
32 A word is more enduring than worldy ______.
33 It’s not a matter of upper and lower _____ but of being up a
while and down a while.
35 Mothers hold their children’s hands for just a little while.and
their ______ forever.
39 Broken Irish is better than clever_______.
43 A hound’s food is in its ____.
44 Do not mistake a goat’s _____ for a fine stallion’s tail.
45 ____ is a good workhorse.
49 It is the good _____ that draws its own cart.
50 A friend’s eye is a good ______
51 The future is not set, there is no ____ but what we make for
52 He who gets a name for early _______ can stay in bed until
54 Marry a _________ girl and you marry the whole mountain.
55 It is better to be a _______for a minute than dead the rest of
your life.
57 A _____ precedes a story.
58 A ____is better than suspicion.
64 Every _______is a doctor after his cure.
65 A windy day is not a day for ________.
66 God made time, but man made ______.
68 Hoping to recoup ruins the _______.
69 Two _______ the road.
70 An _____ sack does not stand.
1 Both your friend and your enemy think you will never ___.
2 It’s the deaf people that create the ____.
3 A _______ kettle never boils.
4 It’s easy to halve the potato where there’s ____.
forgotten May you never forget what is worth remembering,
or remember what is best ________..
5 An Irishman is never at _____ except when he’s fighting.
6 _________ is stronger than upbringing.
7 A trade not properly learned is an _____
9 Many an Irish ________ was increased by the lace of a
daughter’s petticoat.
10 If you lie down with dogs you’ll rise with _____.
12 As you ramble through life, whatever be your goal; Keep your
eye upon the ________, and not upon the hole.
13 He who comes with a story to you brings ____ away from
14 It’s for her own good that the cat _____.
15 If you want to be __________ marry.
19 He’d offer you an ___ if you promised not to break the shell.
21 A wild goose never reared a ____ gosling.
23 A light heart lives ____.
25 It is often that a person’s _____ broke his nose.
26 Have a mouth of ivy and a heart of _____.
27 If you do not ___ in the spring you will not reap in the
29 God is good, but never _____ in a small boat.
31 As the old cock crows so the young cock______.
34 Even a _____ thorn causes festering.
36 It’s no use boiling your cabbage _____.
37 God’s help is nearer than the ____
38 Bad as I like ye, it’s worse _______ ye.
40 Age is honorable and youth is _____.
41 A hen is _____ when carried far.
42 A boy’s best friend is his mother and there’s no spancel
stronger than her _____ ______.
44 An old _____ knows the dirty corners best.
46 Every terrier is bold in the _______ of its own house.
47 Its no use carrying an umbrella if your shoes are _______.
48 It is a bad hen that does not _______ herself
50 Praise the child and you praise the ______.
53 It is the _____ pigs that eat the meal.
56 A penny gets________ penny.
59 A little kinship is better than a lot of _______.
60 Good as drink is, it ends in ______.
61 It is sweet to drink but ______ to pay for.
62 Your ____ will bring you where your heart is.
63 It is not a secret if it is known to ______ people.
67 It is better to exist unknown to the ___.