Young Plato Movie, and Ending the Sectarian Violence

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Editor’s Corner: Young Plato, and Ending the Sectarian Violence
By John O’Brien, Jr. @Jobjr

If you follow us on social media, you have seen our praise for the Young Plato movie that appeared at the 46th Cleveland International Film Festival. 

It is a captivating, inspiring and yes, educational look at boys being raised in sectarian Belfast, with The Troubles as a backdrop, and finding a way to break the cycle of tit for tat, violence, and cultural hate, passed on from generation to generation by both sides of the conflict. 

“Violence breeds violence. You boys have the power to stop it.”
Principal Kevin McArevey, of Holy Cross Boys’ Primary School, Belfast, IRL.

McArevey knows, he grew up there too. His focus on philosophy, teaching students, and their parents, how to use crucial thinking skills to facilitate their own realization of how violence does NOT work. Continuing the violence of the past another generation does not work either. 

McArevey shows we can control anger in many ways – music, stepping away, meditating, see yourself as the other person; things to step away from the conflict in the moment instead of giving in to it, which invariably – makes things worse.

This is our 9th year sponsoring the festival and also a film at CIFF.  It is such a clear, self-driven journey to change minds, by highlighting the films, and the message that others are sharing too.  Like a parachute, it has to be open to work of course, but we are not born with hate, it is taught.  It can be untaught too. Also, our children are watching.

Out of Ireland, Young Plato is Directed by Neasa Ní Chianáin, and Declan McGrath.  Well worth seeing when it hits streaming services.

Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary to Joe & Cheryl Casey. Joe has been a bit of a mentor to me at iIrish, and I suspect, quite a few others too.  He is a man of huge impact in the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and in his community.  He is living, transparent model of love, for his spouse, his family, volunteerism, and his faith.  Cheryl is the good woman behind the good man, and we are grateful for both. 

And Happy 55th Anniversary to Maury and Penny Collins –
on fifty-five years oflaughter and love.

The Medina AOH held their annual Charity Beer Run earlier this month.  It was a fantastic, good time.  $700 was raised for local charities.  The organization, entertainment and delivery were all first class. What happens on the Run, stays on the run, except for this one picture.

Nuair a stapann an ceol, an damhsa déanann an amhlaidh

(When the music stops, so does the dance)


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