What’s the Craic?
Brooklyn – Hooley House!
5 -Twin B Project, 6 -Sloppy Joe Band, 13 -Bakers Basement, 20 -Old Skool. 10310 Cascade Crossing, Brooklyn 216-362-7700. 1FunPub.com
5 Points Coffee & Tea
3600 West Park Road. Cleveland, Oh 44111 5pointscafe.com
The Harp
4408 Detroit Road, 44113 the-harp.com
Flat Iron Café
6th – Jim & Eroc 7-10pm, 13th – Company Housing 7-10pm, 20t h- Cats On Holiday 6:30-9:30pm, 27th – The Rockport Band 7-10pm. 1114 Center St. Cleveland 44113-2406 216. 696.6968. flatironcafe.com
820 College Avenue, Cleveland, 44113 treehousecleveland.com
PJ McIntyre’s
Don’t forget T-Shirt Tues: wear any PJs T-Shirt get 15% off bill! Whiskey Wed: ½ off every whiskey in the house. Thurs – Craft Beer $2.50. PJ McIntyre’s is a Local 10 Union establishment. Home of the Celtic Supporter’s Club and the GAA. Book Parties & Events in our Bridgie Ned’s Irish Parlor Party Room. 17119 Lorain Road, 44111. pjmcintyres.com 216-941-9311.
Music Box Supper Club
8th – Mother’s Day Brunch ~ Patsy Cline Tribute, Noon; 22nd – Irish Brunch with Ciaran Quinn and Achill Island; 1148 Main Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113. musicboxcle.com
Flannery’s Pub
323 East Prospect, Cleveland 44115 216.781.7782 flannerycle.com
Avon Lake
Ahern Banquet Center
Ahern Banquet Center is booking weddings and special events. Call Tony Ahern / Lucy Balser @ 440-933-9500. 726 Avon Belden Rd, Avon Lake 44012. aherncatering.com
Bay Village
4th, 18th -Trivia Wednesdays @7pm w ½ price Wine bottles. Thursdays: discounted burger night. Fridays: “Prohibition Night” w special old school craft cocktails & special appetizer pairing menu! 21st – Bourbon Tasting 4-6pm $50 for 5 pours, each paired with an appetizer or dessert! NEW: look out for new monthly scratch food and craft cocktails! 25517 Eaton Way Bay Village, OH 44140 440.445.9086 greenisland.pub
Irish American Club East Side
PUB: 7:30 – 10:30. IACES 22770 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, 44123. 216.731.4003 eastsideirish.org
Plank Road Tavern
Happy Hour: M-F 4-7, Sat 12-6. Open Sessiún Every Thursday 7-10, ½ Off Wings, $1 off drinks. $3 Guinness and Jamieson. 16719 Detroit Avenue, 44107 plankroadtavern.com
Medina / Montrose
6- Nathan Henry 7- Crawley and Sofranko 13- Roadhouse Jr and Sr 14- The New Barleycorn 20- Island Doctor 21- Music Men (music trivia) 27- The Other Brothers 28- Dulahan. 117 West Liberty Medina, 44256 sullysmedina.com.
Hooley House Montrose
27-Twin B Project. 145 Montrose West Avenue Copley, Oh 44321 (234) 466-0060 1funpub.com
Hooley House
7-Abbey Rodeo, 13-Vinyl Arcade, 20-Disco Inferno 27-No Strangers Here. 7861 Reynolds Rd Mentor 1funpub.com(440) 942-6611.
Olmsted Twp
West Side Irish American Club
Thursdays 5, 12 – Ceili Dancing 7-9P; 7th – Movie Night “Belfast” 7:30P; 12th – Forever Young Meeting 1:00P; 14th – Night at the Races; 26th – General Meeting 7P; 27th – Stephen L. Mulloy Sr. Reverse Raffle; 28th – Steak Shoot 7P. Great live music and food in The Pub every Friday. WSIA Club 8559 Jennings Rd. 44138 wsia-club.org. 440-235-5868.
Cleveland St. Pat’s / St. Jarlath’s GAA
(Always defer to the team’s WhatsApp group chat or calendar on clevelandgaa.com for updates)
Men’s & Ladies Football Practice: run separately at same time by Coaches Jim Coyne, Simon O’Doherty (Sizzler), and Dan Murray. New players always welcomed. West Side Irish American Club (WSIA: 8559 Jennings Road, Olmsted Township, OH 44138).
Men’s Practice & Preseason Conditioning Schedule:
3rd, 10th, 17th – 6:15PM- 7:45 PM
Men’s Football May Schedule:
21st – 3rd Annual Cleveland Memorial 7’s Tournament @ Home (WSIA); 28th – Cleveland vs. Cincinnati @ Home (WSIA)
Ladies Football Schedule
21st – 3rd Annual Cleveland Memorial 7’s Tournament @ Home (WSIA); 28th – Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh @ Home (WSIA)
Annual Night at the Races – Saturday May 14th West Side Irish American Club The Club’s largest fundraiser of the year, we are looking for sponsors and donations.

Rocky River
HAPPY HOUR: Monday Thru Friday 2pm – 7pm! $2 off drafts / $2 off liquor / $1 off wine. 4th & 18th – Cigar & Whiskey Nites
19500 Center Ridge Rd, Rocky River, OH 44116 (440) 990-7468 GormleysPub.com
Casey’s Irish Imports
440-33-8383. 19626 Center Ridge Road caseysirishimports.com
Valley City
Join us for Brunch EVERY SUNDAY. Great food, atmosphere, staff and fun. 6757 Center Road Valley City, 44280 gandalfspub.com.
Hooley House
5-Company Housing, 6-The Feedbacks, 7-The New Barleycorn, 20-Billy Morris & Sunset Strip, 27-Morrison & McCarthy. 24940 Sperry Dr Westlake 44145. (440) 835-2890. 1FunPub.com
Shamrock Club Events
1st – General Meeting; 4th, 11th, 18th – Men’s Darts; 5th & 19th – Daughters of Erin Darts; 7th – Oldies Night; 17th – Emerald Society Meeting. Happy Hour every Friday from 5-7pm! 60 W. Castle Rd. Columbus 43207 614-491-4449 shamrockclubofcolumbus.com

Tara Hall
5th – The Orange & the Greens, no cover, doors 6pm, music 8pm, 20th – Birthday Night, with some (or all of) The Hooligans, no cover, doors 6pm, music 8pm, 30th – IRISH ROAD BOWLING, June 3rd – The Pints, no cover, doors 6pm, music 8pm. Tara Hall 274 E. Innis Ave. Columbus, 43207 614.444.5949.
Toledo Irish American Club
Great music & Craic. 601 Monroe Street, Toledo 43604 ToledoIrishAmericanClub.com
Fiddler’s Hearth
Offering carry out & front patio Al fresco seating. Hotels open near us. Mon: Open Irish Music Session 7ish; Tue: Open Old Timey Music Session 7ish; Wed: Open Mic – 7:30pm – 9:30pm, sign-up 6:30pm. 127 North Main Street South Bend, IN. 44601. 574.232.2853 FiddlersHearth.com
PICT Classic Theatre
Season Subscriptions & Single tickets for all of our shows are now on sale: ONLINE: