What Does Being Irish Mean to You?

Table of Contents

Editor’s Corner
by John O’Brien, Jr. @Jobjr

What does being Irish mean to you? Is it a joy, a responsibility, a legacy or just a convenient good time?

Your best answer, vid, pic or poem could win you a $50 gift certificate to the OhioIANews advertiser of your choice. Share your story with us: jobrien@ohioianews, or post on our OhioIANews Facebook page.

Given the season, and this, the largest issue in our fourteen-year history, being Irish comes to the fore, means so much more – stuffed with symbolism and success, yours and ours.  SO many of the St. Patrick’s Day Honorees are featured within; if you don’t see yours, it’s because no one sent it to us. We are a celebratory newsmagazine; we make it a priority to acknowledge and thank those accomplishing great things for the benefit of others, while they are still here to see the love.

The other big responsibility this month is to Vote.  The Primary on March 17th may be one of the most important in this generation’s history. It being set that day is not a coincidence. Do not let the Irish voice be silenced. Whomever you believe in, please exercise not only your right, but your responsibility – vote, or forever remain silent -in all its symbolism too.

I could highlight for you all the great stories within, from the bread to the beer to the Burning of Cork, from Cleveland to Malaysia, in English, Irish or the language of music. Irish and American history, past present and to be written, are in each issue – we hope you enjoy our takes, and the season that is Irish American Heritage Month – vote with your feedback and your ballot; March 17th

Nuair a stadann an ceol, stadann an rince

(When the music stops, so does the dance)


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