Madigan Muses: Cleveland Hibernians Host First In-Person Convention in the Nation Since Pandemic Start
Fun In 21
By Co-Chairs Pat Lavelle and Ray McGann
The Hibernian State of Ohio FUN in 2021 Convention is quickly approaching.
We are looking forward to seeing you and having a very successful event. The 2021 Convention, hosted by the Cleveland Boland Berry, Bluestone, and Our Lady of the Rosary Divisions will convene at The Double Tree Hilton Westlake, a western suburb of Cleveland.
The hotel has been booked from Thursday, June 24th (for those who would like to plan an extra day in Cleveland), through Saturday, June 26th, 2021. Rooms are available for $109.00 per night, with breakfast included, plus applicable taxes, until May 28th, 2021; reservations after this date will be subject to availability: https://bit.ly/3hh6lq4
We hope you will join us for our “Sock Hop” Icebreaker on Friday evening. Ladies, time to pull out those poodle skirts, bobby socks, and saddle shoes, or pedal pushers. Guys, we look forward to seeing your hair slicked back in your bowling shirt or white t-shirt and leather jacket.
The fantastic duo of Kennedy & Riley will be our entertainment for the evening with open bar and appetizers. $70.

The convention concludes on Saturday, June 26th with a Dinner Dance after Mass, with the theme, “Rock N Roll Hall of Fame.” Music will be provided by one of our favorite local bands, the Portersharks. $75.00 includes choice of Braised Short Rib, Chicken Milanese or Vegetarian Strudel. Each dinner entrée includes salad, potatoes, seasonal vegetable and dessert.
Full Package (includes registration and all events): Member: $170.00 Guest: $145.00.
Registration Deadline
June 10, 2021. Please make checks payable to Ways and Means. Registration forms can be found on the Convention website at https://tinyurl.com/mknsv6a6. Mail completed registration forms and payment to: Ways and Means, 26559 Chapel Hill Drive, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070.
This is an opportunity for the Cleveland Hibernians to showcase our fair city and all it has to offer to others around the State of Ohio, and beyond. We are compiling a Program Book and turn to you our friends and ask for your support of this cherished tradition through the purchase of an advertisement. The deadline for program ads is June 10, 2021.
This is an opening for individuals, organizations, and corporations to introduce or re-introduce themselves to the Hibernians. Hibernian Brothers and Sisters, our Program Book is your way of paying tribute to the State of Ohio Hibernians past, present, and future; send greetings and acknowledgments to our officers; remember a longtime friend; or just say hello to attendees.
For more convention information or to receive an order form detailing available ad space and rate schedules, contact: Ray McGann 440-887-0216 or 216-671-6219 [email protected]; Jim Kilbane [email protected], or Patricia Lavelle 440-596-8552 [email protected].