Madigan Muses: A Special Thank You to Pittsburgh
by Marilyn Madigan
I would like to thank Denny Maher, Eileen O’Malley and the entire Pittsburgh Hibernian Convention Committee.
This committee did an outstanding job with the 2022 National Hibernian Convention.
This was the first Convention since 2018. The Committee faced many challenges planning such an event during the worldwide pandemic of covid. The Committee worked very hard for over two years to make sure that all their Brother and Sister Hibernians had a wonderful experience.
From the moment I arrived, the committee made me feel welcomed and that Pittsburgh was my home for the next week. The events planned were outstanding.
The Cookie Table
The Ice Breaker featured a Pittsburgh Tradition, the Cookie Table. I have been at other Pittsburgh events, but they really surpassed any previous cookie tables that I remember. The entertainment at all the events was spectacular. The Committee highlighted their city and demonstrated what a group of Hibernians can do united for a common cause.
On Thursday, my division, Our Lady of the Rosary Cleveland, and the LAOH Ohio State Board, with assistance from my Brothers of the Boland Berry Division, hosted a very successful Party to celebrate my election as national president. This party will be remembered for years.
A very special thank you to my good friend and Hibernian Sister, Patty Lavelle, for making all the arrangements. Entertainment was provided by Mary Agnes Kennedy. My division is very lucky to have her, as she is always willing to share her musical talent.
Thank you to all my Sisters who provided the bakery. Again, our Brother and Sister Hibernians of Pittsburgh made Clevelanders feel welcome in their city. I cannot thank the Brothers and Sisters of Division 23 enough for opening their Hall for us to celebrate. The hospitality of Division 23 Pittsburgh will always hold a special place in my heart.
The Heart of Irish America
I would like to thank the Delegates at the Convention for electing me as the National President of, in my opinion, the greatest Irish organization of women dedicated to their faith and heritage. I am honored and humbled to serve the members of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians. We are the heart of Irish America. Working together the members of the LAOH will make an impact on Irish America.
I am very honored to work with the LAOH National Board. Again, I would like to thank the Brother and Sisters of Division 23 for opening their hall to the LAOH Board for a post convention event. They made us feel at home as we start our journey together in leading the LAOH. Special thanks to Kathleen Diulus for suggesting the Hall for the event.
The Brothers and Sisters of the Pittsburgh Convention demonstrated what Hibernians can do together. As National President, I and my Sister Hibernians look forward to working with the National Board of the AOH and all our Brother Hibernians. We are the Hibernian family; together in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
*Marilyn Madigan is the National President of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians and a Deputy Director of the United Irish Societies of Cleveland. She received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. John College and retired from Nursing at University Hospitals of Cleveland.