Kid’s Craic: KNOWvember, PLUS Our New Kid\’s Coloring Contest!

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Kids’ Craic!  2nd Annual KNOWvember!

By Dottie Wenger

There are so many things happening in the United States this November;

we will start the month by electing a president; November 11th is Veterans Day; and a couple weeks after that, we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving!  This month’s column is dedicated to fun facts regarding these American events, with some Irish craic thrown in for good measure! 

Election Day, November 3rd

Fun Facts      

In Colonial times, people voted out loud, “Yea” (yes) or “Nay” (no) with their voices.  Today, we go to a polling place, like a school or another public building, to cast our vote. 

We choose our favored candidate, and we vote using a ballot, which might be filled in by hand.  Voters in some polling places use a punch tool to “punch” their ballots, or some use a touch-screen computer. 

What is a political party? 

Well, it’s not necessarily as much fun as it sounds.  Many grown-ups join a political party because it supports values they believe in, and ideas about how they feel the government should work.  The two main political parties in the United States are the Democratic Party (famous Democratic presidents include Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Barrack Obama) and the Republican Party (famous Republican presidents include Theodore Roosevelt, George Bush, and Donald Trump.)  A donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party, and an elephant is the symbol of the Republican Party. 

Veterans Day, November 11th

Fun Facts      

On November 11, 1918, at 11:00 a.m., a temporary peace (or armistice) was signed and the fighting during World War I ended.  A year later, President Woodrow Wilson announced that November 11th would be called Armistice Day in the United States. 

Then in 1954, Armistice Day became known as Veteran’s Day, in honor of veterans of all wars.  You can observe Veteran’s Day by flying the American flag, placing mini flags on graves and memorial sites, and by thanking a veteran personally for their service to our country.

Thanksgiving, November 26th

(Answers below)

  1. How long did the first Thanksgiving last?
  2. What is a snood?
  3. What is a baby turkey called?
  4. Which Native American tribe taught the Pilgrims how to plant and harvest food, and were invited to the Thanksgiving meal?

Answers:  1- three days;   2- the loose skin under a male turkey’s neck;   3- a poult;   4- the Wampanoag tribe. 

Gab in Gaelic 

President-    Uachtaran (Pron. ooachtar-awn)

Presidential Craic: Did you know

  • an Irishman, James Hoban, designed the United States White House!
  • Ireland has had two female presidents!

Kids in the Kitchen

Here is a cute candy turkey kids can make for Thanksgiving, or for whenever a sweet tooth strikes!

Use a bit of melted chocolate to attach a bite-sized Reese’s cup to a regular-sized Reese’s cup as shown in the picture.  Add some colorful “feathers” and a beak by attaching Reese’s Pieces or M&M’s, and the turkey’s face can be made complete with candy eyes. Have fun, and try your own additions too.

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