Kids’ Craic July 2020: Kindness Counts!
by Dottie Wenger
After a rough start to 2020, the whole world could use an extra measure of kindness right now. Here are ten acts of kindness that kids can do to brighten someone’s day. See how many more you can think of!
- Tell someone what makes them awesome (you can also do it by making the craft in our Craft Corner!)
- Hold a door open for someone
- Make your bed without being asked
- Write a compliment note
- Really listen to someone who’s speaking
- Pick up toys from the floor
- Smile at everyone you see (it really is contagious!)
- Fold a basket of laundry (don’t know how to fold? Just match up socks.)
- If you see the toilet paper roll empty….replace it!
- Collect food and canned goods for a food bank
Literature Highlight: |
Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners, written and illustrated by Laurie Keller
Mr. Rabbit and his new neighbors, the otters, bring the “golden rule” to life. Kids will learn the importance of manners when it comes to making friends. They will also learn how to say “thank you” in Japanese, German, and French!
Gaelic Words of the Month:
Please le do thoil (pron. leh duh huh-el)
Thank you go raibh maith agat (pron. guh rev mah a-gut)
Kindness Quotes:
“To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” – Dr. Seuss
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
Craft Corner: Make a Kindness Flower
This craft can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like. Draw (or cut and paste) a flower with five petals, a stem, and leaves. Make a large circle for the flower’s center. Print a friend or relative’s name in the center (younger kids will need parents’ help). On each petal, write down words that describe that person.
*Dottie taught kindergarten and second grade for a total of thirty-two years, and she now handles marketing and promotions for Yorktown Service Plaza in Parma Heights. In her spare time, Dottie is a baker extraordinaire, and she also enjoys participating in 5K events in order to offset collateral damage from this hobby.