Irish Crossword: Ireland’s Cathedrals

Table of Contents


The Most Holy Trinity RC

St. John the Baptist RC

The Immaculate

Conception of the Blessed

Virgin Mary RC

St. Fachtna COI

11 Christ the Redeemer COI

12 St Muredach RC

13 St. Fethlimidh COI

16 The Immaculate

Conception of the Blessed

Virgin Mary RC

17 St. Brendan RC

21 Christ Church COI

23 St. Patrick and St. Colman


26 St. Brendan RC

27 St. Mel RC

30 St. Peter and St. Paul RC

34 St. Flannan COI

36 St. Nicholas and Our Lady

Assumed into Heaven RC

39 St Muredach RC

41 St. Mary and St. Anne RC

42 The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary COI

44 St Mary’s Cathedral COI

45 St. Patrick COI

46 St. Anne COI

47 St. Patrick COI

51 St. Aidan RC

52 St. Eugene RC

53 St. Eunan and St. Columba


57 The Holy Trinity AKA Christ

Church Cathedral COI

59 St. Canice COI

60 St. Colman COI

61 St. Colman RC

62 St. Patrick and St. Feidlim



The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary RC

St. Brigid COI

The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary RC

St. Patrick RC

St. John the Baptist and St.

Patrick’s Rock COI

10 The Annunciation of the

Blessed Virgin Mary and St

Nathy RC

13 The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

RColman RC

14 The Cathedral and

Metropolitan Church of St.

Patrick COI

15 The Blessed Virgin Mary

and Saint Carthage COI

18 St. Macartan COI

19 The Holy Trinity COI

20 St. Mary the Virgin and St.

John the Baptist COI

22 St. Brendan COI

24 St. Laserian COI

25 The Holy and Undivided

Trinity COI

28 St. John the Baptist RC

29 St. Patrick RC

31 The Immaculate

Conception of the Blessed

Virgin Mary RC

32 The Annunciation of the

Blessed Virgin Mary and St

Nathy RC

33 St. Peter RC

35 St. Fachtan COI

37 Christ the King RC

38 St. Macartan RC

40 The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary RC

43 St. Edan COI

47 The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary RC

48 St. Fin Barre COI

49 The Blessed Virgin Mary


50 St. Macartan COI

52 St. Columb COI

54 St. Patrick COI

55 St. Eunan COI

56 St. Nicholas and Our Lady

Assumed into Heaven RC

58 The Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary RC

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