Irish Crossword Puzzle: Cathedrals in Ireland
By Linda Burke
1 St. John the Baptist 1859
5 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary 1855
6 St. Columb 1633
9 St. Mary and St. Anne 1869
12 St. Patrick 1870
13 Peter and St. Paul 1843
15 St. Nicholas and Our Lady Assumed into
Heaven 1965
17 St. Brendan 1902
18 St. Peter 1866
22 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary 1857
24 St. Brigid
25 St. Colman 1915
26 St. Flannan 12thC
27 St. Canice
29 The Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary 1874
31 St. Macartan 1744
32 St. Edan
35 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary 1837
39 The Holy Trinity aka Christ Church
40 The Holy and Undivided Trinity 1818
43 St. Patrick and St. Feidlim 1942
45 Christ the King 1936
46 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary 1879
47 The Most Holy Trinity 1796
48 St. Eunan 9thC
49 The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary and St Nathy 1860 clueclc
2 St. Macartan 1923
3 St. Eugene 1873
4 St Muredach 1892
5 St. Patrick 17thC
7 St. Macartan 1923
8 St. Macartan 1892
10 St. Aidan 1860
11 The Blessed Virgin Mary 1168
14 St. Patrick and St. Colman 1829
16 St. Eunan and St. Columba 1901
19 St. Patrick 1826
20 St. Fethlimidh 1860
21 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary 1839
23 St. Laserian
28 St. Mel 1840
30 St. Anne 1904
33 The Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary 1825
34 Christ the Redeemer 1609
36 St. Patrick 17thC
37 St. Fachtan c.1200
38 Christ the Redeemer 1609
41 St. Mary the Virgin and St. John the
Baptist 1874
42 Christ Church 1662
44 The Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of
St. Patrick 445