By John O’Brien, Jr.
As you know, March is Irish Heritage Month. Have you heard the news today? The Irish Unity Summit takes place in New York March 1st. I really do believe that we will see One Ireland in our lifetime. We couldn’t have said that when we started iIrish in 2006. I am proud and hopeful that we can envision it now. One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus … Give me the strength, to do every day, what I have to do…

The end of 2023 was a sigh of relief for many. Two other noteworthy events at the same time included the mighty Andy Dever’s 91st Birthday Bash at The Plank in Lakewood and the Cleveland GAA 75th Anniversary Gala – pics and video of each accompany this story on www.iIrish.us and on our iIrish Facebook page.

Then we kicked of January with a new Speak Irish Cleveland 10-week session at P.J. McIntyre’s. This is our 11th year partnering with P.J.’s to create and develop an Irish speaking community, small but mighty, here in Cleveland. 39 students attended the first class this year, on January 9th.
Many gather for dinner before the class, and the comradery carries over even when the class is over; Speak Irish Cleveland members continue to do things together: march in parades, volunteer at community events, Irish and not, and support the Cleveland GAA teams. They have also started a book club, Cleveland Reads About Ireland Club (C.R.A.I.C.). You can find more details on iIrish.us, or copy and paste the link: https://iirish.us/join-our-new-irish-book-club/ .
The next Speak Irish Cleveland 10-week session Starts March 26th. I hope you will join us.
See the ad above for more info, and registration.

See the What’s the Craic?, Taking the Fields of Glory, and so much more within.
Did you know there is more to the story? There are more stories and broader stories, with more content: word, picture and video, accompany many column’s online version each month.
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Read What’s the Craic?, and about many other great stories and events within. Then we turn our focus to Irish Heritage month, and highlighting the many Irishtown Heroes being honored this year around the St. Patrick’s Day season. Organizations should send their honorees bio and pic to us by (not on or after) February 8th: [email protected].
iIrish is made in America. We have always been green and are proudly Irish, all year long.
Nuair a stadann an ceol, an damhsa déanann an amhlaidh
(When the music stops, so does the dance)

John O’Brien, Jr.
*John is a Founder and the Publisher and Editor of iIrish, an archivist, spokesman, emcee, Spoken Word presenter and author of five books, (see below) so far.

14615 Triskett Road * Cleveland, Ohio 44111-3123*(216) 647.1144
iIrish has donated more than $375,000 to local and national charities since our 2006 inception.
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