As the race towards the election reaches its final stretch, we’re going to see even more antics from the Orange Man. If there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s his inability to never shut up. When there’s a hole to be dug, he can only dig it deeper, which, from my point of view, is a good thing.
Had he any real commonsense or any political acumen we would be in serious trouble. The quotable quote: ‘that you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time’ is most applicable to this man. Some of his loyal followers are beginning to see behind the smoke and mirrors and finding a man of no substance.
His gift for telling bold face lies is unremarkable. For the non-thinking, less than critical population, his words are gilded. To his faithful followers, he’s Moses, Elijah and Jesus. To the rest of us, he’s a convicted felon.
What he fails to see or refuses to acknowledge is that the majority of this country have grown tired of his childish name calling, his misogyny and his blatant racism. He totes his ego with such false bravado that it’s comical.
Recent published recollections by members of his government are far from inspiring. They depict a man fawning over Chinese and Russian leaders, overawed by their dictatorships, hoping they find him worthy to be counted among their friends.
He is portrayed by those who know him to be weak and spineless. A coward who has no respect for the military or their families. He disrespects those who have sacrificed their lives to ensure his freedom.
Respect for the Military
We’ve seen him line his pockets selling bibles and tacky paraphernalia. He’s a grifter who can’t believe his luck when it comes to how gullible his followers really are.
They do not see that among other things, he’s really ‘weird.’
Even as I write this estimation of someone I have come to dislike intensely, I’m also aware of the incredible damage he’s done to this country. The divide has always been here. I’m not naive enough to think this country has ever been unified.
But instead of working to heal the rifts, he has managed to inflame the divisions. He has undermined our belief in democracy, even getting those in power to incriminate themselves in order to ensure his re-election.
There are those who have sold their souls to his cause and suffered for it. Does he care, no he does not. A successful con man is able to get others to perform criminal activities without being directly involved. Whether it’s trying to rig an election or tying up the Supreme Court to do his bidding, this man is without any moral compass.
Evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Jews have backed him on his stance on abortion, something which he has since changed his views on. If this man has any true conviction, it only manifests itself when comes to inflating his own ego or filling his wallet.
If he has to throw his own people under the bus to save himself, he will. If he has to shift his view on moral issues such as abortion, he will. He has absolutely no integrity when it comes to morality.
The bible photo op was classic example of how low this man will stoop to get his way. It demonstrates how much he’s willing to act out a specific role to the religious faithful. This token symbolism is enough to have them praising the Almighty. My mother had a great saying ‘beware of the preacher’, and in this case, I am heartily in agreement with her.
America is Hanging in the Balance
America is hanging in the balance. We can either go back to letting a man who has shown little care for anyone but himself lead the country or put our faith in a woman who has proven herself worthy of leadership. Kamala Harris represents a welcome change.
It’s time to wake up from the nightmare of 2016, and realize where our true hope lies. The Orange man has belittled her,using his playground bully tactics to ridicule her gender and colour.colour. But like all bullies, he attacks because he fears being exposed as a coward.
We’ve seen him try and wiggle out of the debate, making up all sorts of excuses, and even defending his loss to a woman. We’ve seen his attitude towards women in previous encounters. With Hilary Clinton, he showed his true colours by constantly interrupting her during their debate and demeaning her abilities.
We should not forget that a jury found him guilty of sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll. His record when it comes to women is more that woeful, it’s frightening.
Should he be defeated by a woman, it would be a sign of justice for all of those women who have suffered at his hands, physically and metaphorically. The man who believes it’s all right to grab a woman by the pussy, should never be allowed into a public place of office.
This man has been prosecuted, and found guilty of 37 counts in the hush money case in New York. He has, since his presidency, been exposed for who he really is. His legacy will be remembered as the only president to be impeached twice, a convicted felon, and who has managed to divide the county in ways no other president has ever done. There is no going back.

Terry is a retired professor originally from Derry, Northern Ireland, who has taught courses on Irish and British literature. He can be reached at [email protected].