Madigan Muses: REFLECTIONS

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Madigan Muses: REFLECTIONS
By Marilyn Madigan   

Every year in December, we look back and reflect on the past year. This year will be one that most of us would like to forget. We should not want to forget this year. This year helped a lot of us focus on what is really important in our lives: Family, friends, health, and most importantly our faith in God. Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate Christmas with our families and not place anyone’s health in jeopardy.

Christmas is a time of blessings for all that God has given us. Look back this Christmas and tell those you love how important they are on this journey of your life.

As I write this article, I reflect on two important events in the life of Americans. The first was the election of our 46th president of the United States. Thank you to all my fellow Americans for voting in this election. I realize that everyone is not happy with the results but let us move forward for the Country we all love.

Although I do not agree with many of President Trump’s policies, I would like to thank him for his service. The American people have made their decision. I pray that we can unite for the good of the Country.

Veteran’s Day

The other important event is the recognition of Veterans Day. All who have served our Nation have placed their lives on the line to preserve the founding principles of this Nation. Every American owes the Men and Women of the Armed Services their thanks and gratitude for our freedoms.

On New Year’s Eve, we will look back on this year remembering our disappointments and challenges. I was disappointed that St. Patrick’s Day activities, the Irish Festival, the Hibernian Convention, family reunions, and vacations were canceled. I was grateful that our technology was able to keep us together and also strengthened our relationships.

Masses being streamed, recorded, and shown on Facebook or Youtube allowed me to attend Mass in Ireland and many areas of America. Hosting a Virtual Convention allowed more of our Members to attend. Hosting ZOOM Meetings with participation from Hibernians from all areas can only help the Organization. Many of the Irish Festival musicians are hosting Concerts virtually. Please support them if possible.

I look forward to 2021. Hopefully, we will be able to have our St. Patrick’s Day Parades, Hibernian Conventions, and Irish Festivals, and what a celebration they will be. We will again be able to travel to Ireland and other vacation spots. Enjoy time with family and friends and not be worried that any of us could be spreading the virus. If we spread anything let us spread faith and love in each other.  

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