What’s the Craic? April 2022
Brooklyn – Hooley House!
10310 Cascade Crossing, Brooklyn 216-362-7700. 1FunPub.com

5 Points Coffee & Tea
3600 West Park Road. Cleveland, Oh 44111 5pointscafe.com
The Harp
4408 Detroit Road, 44113 the-harp.com
Flat Iron Café
1st- Becky Boyd & Claudia Miller 7-10pm, 8th- Sean Benjamin 7-10pm, 15th- Cats on Holiday 6:30-9:30, 22nd- Dante Maselli 7-10pm, 29th- Ballinloch 7-10pm. Join us every Friday during lent for our famous Fish Fry! 1114 Center St. Cleveland 44113-2406 216. 696.6968. flatironcafe.com
3rd- Tom Evanchuck; 10th- G.S. Harper; 17th- Nathan Henry; 24th Thor Plater. 820 College Avenue, Cleveland, 44113treehousecleveland.com
PJ McIntyre’s
Don’t forget T-Shirt Tues: wear any PJs T-Shirt get 15% off bill! Whiskey Wed: ½ off every whiskey in the house. Thurs – Craft Beer $2.50. PJ McIntyre’s is a Local 10 Union establishment. Home of the Celtic Supporter’s Club and the GAA. Book Parties & Events in our Bridgie Ned’s Irish Parlor Party Room. 17119 Lorain Road, 44111. pjmcintyres.com 216-941-9311.
St. Pat’s / St Jarlath’s Gaelic Athletic Association
1st & 8th – FREE FRIDAYS for all players, boys and girls, ages 5 to 17, for Gaelic Football at the Soccer Sportsplex in North Olmsted; info: [email protected]
Music Box Supper Club
1148 Main Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113. musicboxcle.com
Flannery’s Pub
323 East Prospect, Cleveland 44115 216.781.7782 flannerycle.com
Cleveland Celtic Ensemble
3rd – Brian Bigley @ Ritter Public Library, 5680 Liberty Avenue, Vermillion, OH 2:30pm. 30th – Fire & Grace & Ash St. Malachi Parish, 2459 Washington Avenue, Cleveland, OH
Avon Lake
Ahern Banquet Center
Ahern Banquet Center is booking weddings and special events. Call Tony Ahern / Lucy Balser @ 440-933-9500. 726 Avon Belden Rd, Avon Lake 44012. aherncatering.com
Bay Village
9th & 23rd – Trivia Nights start @7 (every other Wednesday). 25517 Eaton Way Bay Village, OH 44140 440.445.9086 greenisland.pub
Irish American Club East Side
1st, 8th, 15th – FISH FRY 5:30-7:30. PUB: 7:30 – 10:30. IACES 22770 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, 44123. 216.731.4003 eastsideirish.org
Plank Road Tavern
Happy Hour: M-F 4-7, Sat 12-6. Open Sessiún Every Thursday 7-10, ½ Off Wings, $1 off drinks. $3 Guinness and Jamieson. 16719 Detroit Avenue, 44107 plankroadtavern.com
Medina / Montrose
1- The Other Brothers 2- Crawley and Sofranko 8- Musical Chairs 9- Hello McFly 15- Roadhouse Jr and Sr Acoustic Show 16- Music Men (Music Trivia) 22- The Island Doctor 23- The New Barleycorn 29- Greg Crowe 30- Smug Saints. 117 West Liberty Medina, 44256 sullysmedina.com.
Hooley House Montrose
145 Montrose West Avenue Copley, Oh 44321 (234) 466-0060 1funpub.com
Hooley House
1-Sumrada, 8-Phil-n-the-Blanks, 22-Big in Japan, 29-Country Redford. 7861 Reynolds Rd Mentor 1funpub.com (440) 942-6611.
Olmsted Twp
West Side Irish American Club
1st, 8th, 15th: Lenten Fish Fry; 22nd – Pub Grub; 29th– Forever Young Meeting 1:00P; 14th – General Meeting 7P; 21st – “25” Card Tournament: Dick Lardie 216-269-3005; 23rd – Steak Shoot 7P, Helen Malloy 216-251-4075, [email protected]. Great live music and food in The Pub every Friday. WSIA Club 8559 Jennings Rd. 44138 wsia-club.org. 440-235-5868.
Rocky River
HAPPY HOUR: Monday Thru Friday 2pm – 7pm! $2 off drafts / $2 off liquor / $1 off wine. Sessiún: 2nd Sunday of the Month 5 to 8. 19500 Center Ridge Rd, Rocky River, OH 44116 (440) 990-7468 GormleysPub.com
Casey’s Irish Imports
440-33-8383. 19626 Center Ridge Road caseysirishimports.com
Valley City
Join us for Brunch EVERY SUNDAY. Great food, atmosphere, staff and fun. 6757 Center Road Valley City, 44280 gandalfspub.com.
Hooley House
1-The New Barleycorn; 8-Custard Pie; 22- Mourning Glory; 30-Abby Normal & the Detroit Lean. 24940 Sperry Dr Westlake 44145. 1FunPub.com (440) 835-2890
Shamrock Club Events
1st Fish Fry, 3rd General Meeting, 8th Fish Fry, 9th Quiz Night, 10th Election & General Meeting, 16th Kids Easter Egg Hunt, 23rd Installation Banquet, 23rd Achill Crossing. Happy Hour every Friday from 5-7pm! 60 W. Castle Rd. Columbus 43207 614-491-4449 shamrockclubofcolumbus.com
Tara Hall
15th – Birthday Night, with some, or all of, The Hooligans, no cover, doors 6pm, music 8pm, Irish Road Bowling. 30th – 2nd Annual Freedom for All Ireland Fundraiser, Deer Creek State Park Beach Road, New Holland, OH. $40 per team of 4, Registration 10am, Event 11am. Sponsorships available! Email [email protected] for info. Tara Hall 274 E. Innis Ave. Columbus, 43207 614.444.5949.
Toledo Irish American Club
Great music & Craic. 601 Monroe Street, Toledo 43604 ToledoIrishAmericanClub.com
Fiddler’s Hearth
Offering carry out & front patio Al fresco seating. Hotels open near us. Mon: Open Irish Music Session 7ish; Tue: Open Old Timey Music Session 7ish; Wed: Open Mic – 7:30pm – 9:30pm, sign-up 6:30pm. 127 North Main Street South Bend, IN. 44601. 574.232.2853 FiddlersHearth.com
PICT Classic Theatre
Season Subscriptions & Single tickets for all of our shows are now on sale: ONLINE: PICTTheatre.org ; PHONE: 412-561-6000 x207; MAIL: PO Box 8168, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. [email protected]
Gaelic Arts Society of Pittsburgh
20th – Gaelic Arts program on Genealogy. [email protected]
McFadden’s Pittsburgh
Catering, Party Room & More. 211 N. Shore Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15212. McFaddenspitt.com
Mullaney’ Harp & Fiddle
Wed: Guitar Under the Stars starts @7pm; Fri: Beat the Rush Hour Blues starts @5:30; Sat: Live Music starts @7:30. For up to date music sched: Facebook: @mullaneysharpandfiddle 2329 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA. 15222 Harpandfiddle.com
Contact PittsburghGAA for more info: [email protected] pittsburghgaa.com
The Ancient Order of Hibernians Div. 4 (North Hills)
30th – AOH Division 1 Fundraiser: “Night of Irish Music & More” Castle Shannon FH, 6pm-11pm, with: Mark Guiser (6pm-7:30pm); Standup Comedian Julia McManus; John McCann, Hamish, Mark Guiser. Irish Auction, Lottery Tree, 50/50’s, Basket of Cultural & Cheer. Beer, setups, snacks will be provided, otherwise BYOB & food. Seating is reserved & assigned, order tickets in advance. $25. $30 at the door. Rich O’Malley, 412-401-3945. aohdiv4.org.
Ongoing Traditional Irish Sessiúns – Bring your instruments and play along!
- 1035 Bridge Street upstairs’, Ashtabula. 1st Saturday of the month 1-3.
Bardic Circle @The Shamrock Club of Columbus Beginner – friendly, intermediate level Irish session meeting every other Thursdays 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
The Harp – 1st Friday of every month, 9pm. 4408 Detroit, Cleveland
Logan’s Irish Pub – 3rd Wednesday of the month, 414 S. Main St., Findlay, 7:30 pm
Plank Road – Every Thursday 7 – 10. All ages and experience welcome. 16719 Detroit Road, Lakewood, 44107
Mercedes Tavern, Mondays, 7-9. 947 W Market Street, Suite 103 Akron.. All skill levels welcome.
Traditional Irish Social Dance Opportunities:
Tuesdays 8-10 pm, set dancing lessons, St. Clarence Church, North Olmsted
Wednesdays 7-9 pm, set dancing lessons, Irish American Club – East Side
Thursdays, 7-9 pm, West Side Irish American Club